Vocations Crucifix

Why a Vocations Crucifix?


Vocations are the result of the Christian community actively engaged in prayer so that “the master of the harvest [will] send out laborers for his harvest” (Mt 9:38). Placing faith and hope in this command of the Lord, the intention of the Vocations Crucifix Program is to promote in our parish fervent and devotional prayer so that God’s call may be heard and received in joy. The family, “the domestic Church,” is the normal place for the human, Christian, and vocational growth of children.

How does it work?

Each week, the Vocations Crucifix is given to a particular family/household in the parish at one of the Sunday Masses. This family/household takes the crucifix home, puts it in a place of honor, and agrees to pray that week for Religious and Priestly vocations to be raised up, especially from our own parish. Prayer for vocations can be offered at any time during the day, perhaps before the family’s main meal, or whatever time is most convenient. They bring the crucifix back to church the following weekend so that it may be passed on to the next family/household to receive it.

Yes! I want to sign up to participate in the Vocations Crucifix Program.