Perpetual Adoration
“ ”Do you know why our Lord persists in remaining day and night in our churches? He stays there so that every time we want to go and see him, we may be able to find him.””
Q. What is adoration?
A. Adoration is quiet prayer before the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, acknowledging that God is God. We give Him the worship that is His due as our Creator.
Q. What am I supposed to do in adoration?
A. Time spent in adoration takes many forms. You may pray devotional prayers (e.g., Rosary, Stations, etc.), read and reflect upon Scripture, write in a prayer journal, engage in conversational prayer with God, quietly meditate, etc. Ultimately, it is time to cultivate your own personal relationship with the Lord.
Q. Do I have to kneel the whole time?
A. No. You may kneel, but also you may be seated in a pew. Some people like to slowly walk around the perimeter of the church. Whatever posture helps you to focus your prayer.
Q. Is it okay to listen to music during adoration?
A. Because we share the worship space, it is best to maintain silence during personal prayer. If listening to meditative music helps you to focus, please use earbuds or headphones.
Q. What if I cannot make my hour on occasion?
A. In order to preserve the "perpetual" aspect of adoration, it is ideal to find a substitute or to trade with someone when you cannot keep your hour. However, if it is not possible, don't worry about it. This is why we hope to have two people during every hour.
Q. Will the Host be exposed in the monstrance?
A. No. Our Perpetual Adoration will not include Perpetual Exposition. On occasion, during certain Holy Hours or other events, the Host may be exposed in the monstrance. Ordinarily, however, Perpetual Adoration occurs before the Real Presence of the Lord contained in the tabernacle.