Quo Vadis? Parish Retreat
Next Retreat Date: January 17-18, 2025
Domine quo vadis? (1602) by Annibale Carracci
According to tradition, these are the words St. Peter spoke to Jesus as he was fleeing the persecution in Rome. As Peter was leaving the city, he had a vision of Jesus carrying His Cross, walking in the opposite direction, toward the city. Peter asked the Lord, “Quo vadis?” that is, “Where are you going?” Jesus replied that he was going to suffer and die for His people once again since Peter was not willing to do so. Hearing those words, Peter returned to the Eternal City and entered into his own passion, suffering martyrdom shortly thereafter.
Peter’s question was already silently on the lips of Jesus. The Lord, in appearing to Peter, was, in essence, asking him the same question: “Peter, where are you going?” Likewise, the Lord is already asking us this question: “Where are you going?” And so, we have built our retreat upon a reflection of Peter’s own faith journey—from his call as a disciple all the way to his final words before completing his ministry on earth. It is our goal that in reflecting upon the journey of Peter, we will see our own relationship with Jesus more clearly and we will encounter Him more profoundly in the simple act of retreat.
Our goal is that every adult at St. Charles will make a Quo Vadis retreat!
(The Retreat runs from about 6:00-10:00pm on Friday and 8:00am-3:30pm on Saturday)
In the meantime, begin praying now for a heart that is open to encountering the Lord with members of your own parish family